What Others Are Saying About Nick

"I thought I was in control of my tenants until I was proven wrong by your systematic property management materials. I highly recommend them to anyone who thinks they have all the answers. You showed me there is always room for improving your cash flow. Thanks for the new insights on Special Needs Housing, I am now able to net $560.00 more a month on one of my rentals and I just started using your materials. Your course is the best investment I ever made. Thanks a million."

Stanford Myers III

"If everyone used these 'Highly Effective' Property Management manuals, they would be able to take control of their property management, increase income, reduce expenses, and avoid many of the preventable problems associated with income property."

Franklin Pack, Attorney at Law

"I regularly use your standardized forms to screen prospective tenants. Your courses have shown me how to establish a better, more informative way to select a tenant. Since I started using your system I have not had to evict any tenants, which is a great improvement as I used to be in eviction court at least once every other month. You saved me from giving up on real estate and improved my cash flow by over $1000.00 a month. I thank GOD I met you."

Judith Phillips

"Nick, your material is the greatest. It not only saved me time and increased my rental income, but also offers the best protection a landlord can have when renting property. I would highly recommend your material to anyone who has rental property. After all, it only takes avoiding or handling one deadbeat tenant using your information, and you will get your money's worth tenfold."

Nancy Reifsteck

"After using Nick's manuals, you will question yourself on how you ever survived as a landlord without them. I am excited about all the newly gained knowledge from these manuals. My only regret is that I didn't get access to this information a long time ago. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

Donald and Ruth O'Donnell

"Nick, I use your material all the time. It really 'smartened me up' and gave me confidence. I'm in control now and a tenant has to get up pretty early in the morning to pull the wool over my eyes now."

Joyce Gugino

"Let the records show that Highly Effective Property Management and Successful Property Management will serve as an excellent source of information for the investment manager. The years of research and development of the material contained will enhance the management ability of any investor and will provide the management skill necessary to attain a successfully managed property."

Mary Jane Zak, R.A.M. Dean

"Highly Effective Property Management and Successful Property Management are a must for anyone who owns rental property. They are assurance of survival for the property manager."

Michael Ruffino

"Anyone that manages or owns investment property and is looking to maximize their investments, save time and establish better control of their real estate business should be using this course. There's no substitute for experience and with Nick's techniques and forms provided in these manuals, you'll eliminate the many mistakes typically made in property management."

Jerry Lojacono

"A must for effective property management. Covers all aspects of landlording and property management. This material saved me thousands of dollars."

Thomas Koslowske

"Nick did a great job! I've been looking for these forms for a long time. The information I received in these manuals will increase my effectiveness and keep my sanity."

William J. Kuczmanski